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  • Connor D. Lapresi

Sometimes You're The Bug, Sometimes You're The Windshield.

We've all been there. Driving down the highway, pushing 80 mph when a massive horsefly splatters across the windshield like a modern Jackson Pollack painting. With a touch of washer fluid and few swipes from the wipers, the masterpiece is gone and you continue on your journey.

But what about the bug?

Somedays you see everything clearly, easily going throughout your day and barreling to your destination. You feel great, all of your anxieties are gone, and tasks are done with ease. Those days you are the windshield. Other days life smashes into you, you feel like simply starting your day is a challenge. Nothing seems to be going your way, maybe you spilled your coffee or got caught in terrible traffic. An all around terrible day, you are the bug.

This old adage was taught to me at a young age and has slowly grown in meaning and relevance. You are kidding yourself if you think you are going to be the windshield everyday, it's simply not realistic, because even the best people have bad days. For me, it's the reaction to these bad days that separates us. Just because I was the bug yesterday doesn't mean I can't be the windshield today.

A level of control must be surrendered in this regard. Despite our best efforts, we can still be the bug and that is awfully discouraging. It's easy to get stuck in a rut and believe that we will eternally be the bug. It's just as easy to become arrogant and believe that you will always be the windshield, undoubtably setting yourself up for mental break downs when the day comes you are the bug.

The ability to fail miserably one day, and excel beautifully the next is one of the most valuable traits you can find. Of course we want to try to be consistent, but life has an interesting way of combating this desire. So instead of pulling your hair out, wondering why you just can't seem to get back on your A game, ask yourself in the morning, "Am I going to be the bug, or the windshield?"

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