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  • Writer's pictureConnor Lapresi

Take Your Swing

Imagine, your biggest goals and aspirations are a tree. But not just any tree, this is a giant Redwood. It is one of the oldest and largest trees in the forest and to reach your goal, you must chop it down. You are given an axe

Each day you are given the chance to swing your axe, once and only once. Many give up right here. The walk to their tree is too long for only one swing.

They say, “It’s not worth it.”

Some stick it out, traveling every other day for their swing. On rainy days they prefer the warmth of the cabin, only swinging their axes on the days they feel strong.

They think, “I’m not good enough”

Few will be devote, resolve is scarce. For months they will swing the axe, but their trees are strong. Peers will see their progress and admire, vying for their time. This eventually will pull them away from their tree, never to return.

They believe, “It wasn’t meant to be.”

There are those with a one-track mind. Like a horse in a parade they are blinded from the crowd. Disappearing for weeks, they choose to camp beneath the tree in order to save time. Perfecting their swing. The work is eventually rewarded, as you see the tree splinters under the might of their axe.

As the tree begins to sway, a crowd forms.

Many watch in awe as the tree bends to the will of one person.

Some whisper that tree is actually rotten and hollow on the inside.

Few claim that they have seen this person taking extra swings.

The Dogs bark

The tree finally falls admits cheers as you feel the Earth tremble and give way to the weight of the falling giant. The spectacle and ensuing praise for our Champion are as ephemeral as they are enthusiastic. As the crowd disperses, the Champion is left alone with the wreckage and thinks.

“Is this what I wanted?”

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